
My books...Acting books, of course...

A bit boring subject, maybe - but...as my blog is about following Your ( my readers) requests....
I am once again happy to share my unreplacable and one of the kind, list of my acting books.
There are more than books to me. They are " words" that lift me up- when I need to be lifted up
And see things again, super clearly...
I got my answers pretty much, every time and questions are not just about acting world.

I moved apartments so many times in my life.
Hardly ever -it was a small change as, as It happened, I was changing countries every other time-Looking for something, which I found in London over 7 years ago...Lucky me.
Every time all my books were travelling with me over the ocean, back and forth, almost as inseparable part of me.
Home is a place, where- even under naked sky, people love ...each other, space, air...
And where my books and beloved films are, too.

Old picture, old book's list...

There is something very intimate about having one-on-one with a writer...
Especially nowadays, when people don't have time to talk to each other even( social media are good enough! Sad!) not mentioning unfounded time to read a book.
So- I am a slow reader, have dyslexia -as you may have guessed by now and still...not giving up on this matter, sometimes will take a shortcut and buy audiobook, when my eyes don't wanna listen to me, and scream :enough! after reading forty something film/ TV scripts a week..

So about THE LIST...
It's actually from one of my favourite teachers from Lee Strasberg Actors Studio in NYC combined with my own needs...
All books will give you lots of facts and knowledge...but can be often use also as practical guide.
Guiding you, when/how you wanna/could be a good, better even...actor.
Most of cases, they are old and have been written with more of a spoken that written language...
I love them, my little babies...
My list was passed forward , around the world few times already...
Quite special moment, that now you can find it here, on JUST JOANNA:

2.An Actor's Work on a Role by Konstantin Stanislavsky ****
3.A handbook of the Stanislavski Method by Lee Strasberg & Toby Cole
4.METHOD OR MADNESS? By Robert Lewis
5.The Strange,familiar and forgotten by Israel Rosenfield
6.Receptors by Richard M. Restak, M.D.
7.My Life in Art: Konstantin Stanislavsky
8.In the palaces of memory by George Johnson
9.At the Actors Studio by Robert H. Hethmon
10.A dream of Passion by Lee Strasberg
11.The power of the Actor by Ivana Chubbuck
12.Dream into action by Milton Katselas

****An Actor’s Work on a Role is Konstantin Stanislavsky’s classic exploration of the rehearsal process, applying the techniques of his seminal actor training system to the task of bringing life and truth to one’s role!

Wine, book, hot water with lemon...after hot shower.
I AM my books.I have a really " HOT " date with them...
Check them all out...Enjoy!